The Hill Maize Research Project (HMRP), funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) was initiated in 1999 with the objective of increasing the food security of farm families in the hills of Nepal by raising the productivity and sustainability of maize-based cropping systems.The HMRP went through three phases between 1999 and 2010, and the fourth phase is in implementation from August 2010.
News and events
- News Releases
- SDC Program Manager visits CBSP group in Ramechap
- Annual Review and Planning Meeting completed
- USAID/Nepal team visit HMRP activities
- Seed Promoters’ Training Completed
- CIMMYT Lauded for Outstanding Technical Support and Partnership in Nepal
- Community Seed Promoters’ Training for Sustainable Maize Seed Production and Marketing Completed
- CIMMYT Nepal visited by the DG of CIMMYT
- 21st Anniversary of NARC Celebrated in Nepal
- Maize traveling seminar for high-level officials in Nepal
- USAID and CIMMYT visit the 1st community-managed maize seed company in the hills of Nepal
- Contract maize seed production started in Nepal
Working districts of HMRP-IV