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Goals and outcomes

Goal:Farm households in the hills of Nepal, especially of poor and disadvantaged groups, have improved food security and income.

Outcomes and Outputs: The project logical framework may be accessed here. The expected outcomes and outputs of the HMRP-IV:

Outcome A: Hill maize farmers, especially from poor and DAGs, adopt new and profitable maize varieties and improved technologies to enhance productivity and marketing opportunities (technology validation, seed production and dissemination). Expected outputs under Outcome A are:

A.1: CBSP groups know and use available varieties and technologies

A.2: Poor and disadvantaged households have increased access to quality maize seed and proven technologies

A.3: CBSP groups/cooperatives supply quality seeds at competitive market prices

A.4: Poor and disadvantaged maize producing households will have access to multiple agricultural interventions for enhanced productivity


Outcome B: National Seed Board (NSB), the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), and the Department of Agriculture (DOA) enforce quality control in both public and private institutions. Expected outputs under Outcome B:

B.1: The National Seed Board (NSB), NARC, and the DoA allow decentralization of the source seed production system

B.2: Public and private institutions obtain seed inspection mandate and license

B.3: CBSP/cooperatives manage supply of quality seed

B.4: The NSB and NARC consider HMRP’s experience in variety development, certification and release system


Project Logical Framework